Here are the steps to look up a specific journal in the Library:
- Start at the Library's website and click the icon that says "Journals."
- From here you can either search for a journal by its title or ISBN into the search box
- For a specific journal we recommend searching by ISBN
- After you have entered your information, you can click the "Search" Button
- Click on the journal you're looking for
- View Full Text means we have the journal and you are free to view it if its an ejournal or check it out if it is a physical journal
- Request means that you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan, if it is not an ejournal, it might take some time to arrive.
From there, take the steps to get more specific with your article - click on the appropriate year, then the appropriate volume or issue, and finally, the appropriate article title.
You can also search for journals within Quick Search.
- Visit the Springfield College Library Services Homepage
- Search for your desired journal in the "Quick Search" search bar
- The text you put in will show you results from our collection
- On the left side you will notice a bar that lets you filter by format
- Make sure there is a check mark in the box next to "journal" in order to search for journals or ejournals
- Uncheck all of the other boxes in order to keep those formats out of the search
- You should now have journals or ejournals as a result.
For your specific journal use the title or ISBN of the journal after you have applied this filter.