Answered By: Alli Martel
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2024     Views: 57

While some providers of graduate and professional licensure exams now allow their examinations to be taken at home, it is unlikely that the group study rooms available in the Learning Commons would be acceptable for this purpose.

These exams typically require a quiet, private space. The group study rooms are public spaces intended to provide a place for group collaboration. The rooms also have glass walls that can allow others to see inside the room while the exam is being taken. Using a study room for exams under these conditions could be grounds for the testing provider to cancel your scores.

If your space at home or in your dorm is not conducive to the requirements for take-home exams, we suggest taking the exam at a local testing center or contacting the Career Center to schedule a time within their open hours to take your exam in one of their testing rooms.

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